"A bacteria-specific 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxin is essential in Pseudomonas aeruginosa."
S. Elsen, G. Efthymiou, P. Peteinatos, G. Diallinas, P. Kyritsis and J.M. Moulis.
BMC Microbiology,
vol. 10, pages 271, (2010).
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Abstract:BACKGROUND: Ferredoxins are small iron-sulfur proteins belonging to all domains
of life. A sub-group binds two [4Fe-4S] clusters with unequal and extremely low
values of the reduction potentials. These unusual properties are associated with
two specific fragments of sequence. The functional importance of the very low
potential ferredoxins is unknown.
RESULTS: A bioinformatic screening of the sequence features defining very low
potential 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxins has revealed the almost exclusive presence of the
corresponding fdx gene in the Proteobacteria phylum, without occurrence in
Archaea and Eukaryota. The transcript was found to be monocistronic in
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and not part of an operon in most bacteria. Only fdx
genes of bacteria which anaerobically degrade aromatic compounds belong to
operons. As this pathway is not present in all bacteria having very low potential
2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxins, these proteins cannot exclusively be reductants of benzoyl
CoA reductases. Expression of the ferredoxin gene did not change in response to
varying growth conditions, including upon macrophage infection or aerobic growth
with 4-hydroxy benzoate as carbon source. However, it increased along the growth
curve in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and in Escherichia coli. The sequence immediately
5' upstream of the coding sequence contributed to the promotor activity. Deleting
the fdx gene in Pseudomonas aeruginosa abolished growth, unless a plasmid copy of
the gene was provided to the deleted strain.
CONCLUSIONS: The gene of the very low potential 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxin displays
characteristics of a housekeeping gene, and it belongs to the minority of genes
that are essential in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These data identify a new potential
antimicrobial target in this and other pathogenic Proteobacteria.
"Dynamic elements at both cytoplasmically and extracellularly facing sides of the
UapA transporter selectively control the accessibility of substrates to their translocation pathway."
V. Kosti, I. Papageorgiou and G. Diallinas.
Journal of Molecular Biology,
vol. 397, pages 1132-1143, (2010).
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Abstract: In the UapA uric acid-xanthine permease of Aspergillus nidulans, subtle
interactions between key residues of the putative substrate binding pocket,
located in the TMS8-TMS9 loop (where TMS is transmembrane segment), and a
specificity filter, implicating residues in TMS12 and the TMS1-TMS2 loop, are
critical for function and specificity. By using a strain lacking all transporters
involved in adenine uptake (ΔazgA ΔfcyB ΔuapC) and carrying a
mutation that partially inactivates the UapA specificity filter (F528S), we
obtained 28 mutants capable of UapA-mediated growth on adenine. Seventy-two
percent of mutants concern replacements of a single residue, R481, in the
putative cytoplasmic loop TMS10-TMS11. Five missense mutations are located in
TMS9, in TMS10 or in loops TMS1-TMS2 and TMS8-TMS9. Mutations in the latter loops
concern residues previously shown to enlarge UapA specificity (Q113L) or to be
part of a motif involved in substrate binding (F406Y). In all mutants, the
ability of UapA to transport its physiological substrates remains intact, whereas
the increased capacity for transport of adenine and other purines seems to be due
to the elimination of elements that hinder the translocation of non-physiological
substrates through UapA, rather than to an increase in relevant binding
affinities. The additive effects of most novel mutations with F528S and
allele-specific interactions of mutation R481G (TMS10-TMS11 loop) with Q113L
(TMS1-TMS2 loop) or T526M (TMS12) establish specific interdomain synergy as a
critical determinant for substrate selection. Our results strongly suggest that
distinct domains at both sides of UapA act as selective dynamic gates controlling
substrate access to their translocation pathway.
"Expression and purification of a functional uric acid-xanthine transporter
J. Leung, M. Karachaliou, C. Alves, G. Diallinas and B. Byrne.
Protein Expression and Purification,
vol. 72, pages 139-146, (2010).
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Abstract: The Nucleobase-Ascorbate Transporters (NATs) family includes carriers with
fundamental functions in uptake of key cellular metabolites, such as uric acid or
vitamin C. The best studied example of a NAT transporter is the uric
acid-xanthine permease (UapA) from the model ascomycete Aspergillus nidulans.
Detailed genetic and biochemical analyses have revealed much about the mechanism
of action of this protein; however, the difficulties associated with handling
eukaryotic membrane proteins have limited efforts to elucidate the precise
structure-function relationships of UapA by structural analysis. In this
manuscript, we describe the heterologous overexpression of functional UapA as a
fusion with GFP in different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The UapA-GFP
construct expressed to 2.3 mg/L in a pep4Delta deletion strain lacking a key
vacuolar endopeptidase and 3.8 mg/L in an npi1-1 mutant strain with defective
Rsp5 ubiquitin ligase activity. Epifluorescence microscopy revealed that the
UapA-GFP was predominately localized to the plasma membrane in both strains,
although a higher intensity of fluorescence was observed for the npi1-1 mutant
strain plasma membrane. In agreement with these observations, the npi1-1 mutant
strain demonstrated a approximately 5-fold increase in uptake of [(3)H]-xanthine
compared to the pep4Delta deletion strain. Despite yielding the best results for
functional expression, in-gel fluorescence of the UapA-GFP expressed in the
npi1-1 mutant strain revealed that the protein was subject to significant
proteolytic degradation. Large scale expression of the protein using the
pep4Delta deletion strain followed by purification produced mg quantities of
pure, monodispersed protein suitable for further structural and functional
studies. In addition, this work has generated a yeast cell based system for
performing reverse genetics and other targeted approaches, in order to further
understand the mechanism of action of this important model protein.
"Transporters, channels, or simple diffusion? Dogmas, atypical roles and
complexity in transport systems."
A. Conde, G. Diallinas, F. Chaumont, M. Chaves and H. Gerós.
The International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology,
vol. 42, pages 857-868, (2010).
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Abstract: The recent breakthrough discoveries of transport systems assigned with atypical
functions provide evidence for complexity in membrane transport biochemistry.
Some channels are far from being simple pores creating hydrophilic passages for
solutes and can, unexpectedly, act as enzymes, or mediate high-affinity uptake,
and some transporters are surprisingly able to function as sensors, channels or
even enzymes. Furthermore, numerous transport studies have demonstrated complex
multiphasic uptake kinetics for organic and mineral nutrients. The biphasic
kinetics of glucose uptake in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a result of several
genetically distinct uptake systems operating simultaneously, is a classical
example that is a subject of continuous debate. In contrast, some transporters
display biphasic kinetics, being bona fidae dual-affinity transporters, their
kinetic properties often modulated by post-translational regulation. Also,
aquaporins have recently been reported to exhibit diverse transport properties
and can behave as highly adapted, multifunctional channels, transporting solutes
such as CO(2), hydrogen peroxide, urea, ammonia, glycerol, polyols, carbamides,
purines and pyrimidines, metalloids, glycine, and lactic acid, rather than being
simple water pores. The present review provides an overview on some atypical
functions displayed by transporter proteins and discusses how this novel
knowledge on cellular uptake systems may be related to complex multiphasic uptake
kinetics often seen in a wide variety of living organisms and the intriguing
diffusive uptake of sugars and other solutes.
"Transport-dependent endocytosis and turnover of a uric acid-xanthine permease."
C. Gournas, S. Amillis, A. Vlanti and G. Diallinas.
Molecular Microbiology,
vol. 75, pages 246-260, (2010).
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Abstract: In this work we unmask a novel downregulation mechanism of the uric acid/xanthine
transporter UapA, the prototype member of the ubiquitous Nucleobase-Ascorbate
Transporter family, directly related to its function. In the presence of
substrates, UapA is endocytosed, sorted into the multivesicular body pathway and
degraded in vacuoles. Substrate-induced endocytosis, unlike ammonium-induced
turnover, is absolutely dependent on UapA activity and several lines of evidence
showed that the signal for increased endocytosis is the actual translocation of
substrates through the UapA protein. The use of several UapA functional mutants
with altered kinetics and specificity has further shown that transport-dependent
UapA endocytosis occurs through a mechanism, which senses subtle conformational
changes associated with the transport cycle. We also show that distinct
mechanisms of UapA endocytosis necessitate ubiquitination of a single Lys residue
(K572) by HulA(Rsp5). Finally, we demonstrate that in the presence of substrates,
non-functional UapA versions can be endocytosed in trans if expressed in the
simultaneous presence of active UapA versions, even if the latter cannot be
endocytosed themselves.
"Modelling and mutational evidence identify the substrate binding site and
functional elements in APC amino acid transporters."
I. Vangelatos, D. Vlachakis, V. Sophianopoulou and G. Diallinas.
Molecular Membrane Biology,
vol. 26, pages 356-370, (2010).
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Abstract: The Amino acid-Polyamine-Organocation (APC) superfamily is the main family of
amino acid transporters found in all domains of life and one of the largest
families of secondary transporters. Here, using a sensitive homology threading
approach and modelling we show that the predicted structure of APC members is
extremely similar to the crystal structures of several prokaryotic transporters
belonging to evolutionary distinct protein families with different substrate
specificities. All of these proteins, despite having no primary amino acid
sequence similarity, share a similar structural core, consisting of two V-shaped
domains of five transmembrane domains each, intertwined in an antiparallel
topology. Based on this model, we reviewed available data on functional mutations
in bacterial, fungal and mammalian APCs and obtained novel mutational data, which
provide compelling evidence that the amino acid binding pocket is located in the
vicinity of the unwound part of two broken helices, in a nearly identical
position to the structures of similar transporters. Our analysis is fully
supported by the evolutionary conservation and specific amino acid substitutions
in the proposed substrate binding domains. Furthermore, it allows predictions
concerning residues that might be crucial in determining the specificity profile
of APC members. Finally, we show that two cytoplasmic loops constitute important
functional elements in APCs. Our work along with different kinetic and
specificity profiles of APC members in easily manipulated bacterial and fungal
model systems could form a unique framework for combining genetic, in-silico and
structural studies, for understanding the function of one of the most important
transporter families.
"Convergent evolution and orphan genes in the Fur4p-like family and
characterization of a general nucleoside transporter in Aspergillus nidulans."
Z. Hamari, S. Amillis, C. Drevet, A. Apostolaki, C. Vágvölgyi, G. Diallinas and C. Scazzocchio.
Molecular Microbiology,
vol. 73, pages 43-57, (2009).
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Abstract: IThe function of seven paralogues phylogenetically related to the Saccharomyces
cerevisiae Fur4p together with a number of functionally related transporters
present in Aspergillus nidulans has been investigated. After deletion of the
cognate genes we checked the incorporation of radiolabelled substrates,
utilization of nitrogen sources, resistance to toxic analogues and
supplementation of auxotrophies. FurA and FurD encode allantoin and uracil
transporters respectively. No function was found for FurB, FurC, FurE, FurF and
FurG. As we failed to identify Fur-related transporters for uridine, pyridoxine
or thiamine, we deleted other possible candidates for these functions. A
FCY2-like gene carrying in its 5' UTR a putative thiamine pyrophosphate
riboswitch, and which encodes a protein similar to the pyridoxine transporter of
yeast (Tpn1p), does not encode either a major thiamine or a pyridoxine
transporter. CntA, a member of the concentrative nucleoside transporter family,
is a general nucleoside permease, while no function was found for PnpA, a member
of the equilibrative transporter family. Phylogenetic analysis shows that within
the ascomycetes, the same transport activity could be catalysed by totally
unrelated proteins and that within the Fur subfamily convergent evolution towards
uracil and allantoin transport activity has occurred at least three and two
independent times respectively.
"Biochemistry. An almost-complete movie."
G. Diallinas and C. Gournas.
vol. 322, pages 1644-1645, (2008).
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Abstract: Comment on
Science. 2008 Dec 12;322(5908):1655-61. No abstract available.
"Structure-function relationships in the nucleobase-ascorbate transporter (NAT)
family: lessons from model microbial genetic systems."
G. Diallinas and C. Gournas.
Channels (Austin),
vol. 2, pages 363-372, (2008).
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Abstract: No abstract available.
"Purification and partial characterization of the
xanthine-uric acid transporter (UapA) of Aspergillus nidulans".
N. D. Lemuh, G. Diallinas, S. Frillingos, G. Mermelekas, A. D.
Karagouni and D. G. Hatzinikolaou.
Protein Expression and Purification,
vol. 63, pages 33-39, (2009).
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Abstract: UapA, the uric acid-xanthine
permease from the filamentous ascomycete Aspergillus nidulans, is
one of the most thoroughly characterized purine/H+ transporters
in eukaryotes. Detailed studies have addressed its regulation of expression,
at both the transcriptional and post-translational levels, in response to
physiological and developmental signals. An extensive kinetic profile
towards a plethora of purines and mutational analyses have established
models on how UapA recognizes the purine ring and revealed specific amino
acid residues involved in proper folding, topogenesis, function and
specificity. The present work describes for the first time the purification
of the UapA transporter of A. nidulans through overexpression via
the strong, ethanol-inducible, glucose-repressible, alcA promoter.
Purification, almost to homogeneity, was achieved by Ni2+
affinity chromatography using a functional His-tagged UapA protein version.
It is subsequently shown, by Circular Dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, that the
purified protein is structured with a high α-helical content, as expected
from the in silico predictions. The result of this work opens the
way for further, analytical and biochemical studies on UapA at the protein
"Specific interdomain synergy in the UapA transporter determines its unique
specificity for uric acid among NAT carriers."
I. Papageorgiou, C. Gournas, A. Vlanti, S. Amillis, A. Pantazopoulou and G. Diallinas.
Journal of Molecular Biology,
vol. 382, pages 1121-1135, (2008).
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Abstract: UapA, a uric acid-xanthine permease of Aspergillus nidulans, has been used as a
prototype to study structure-function relationships in the ubiquitous
nucleobase-ascorbate transporter (NAT) family. Using novel genetic screens,
rational mutational design, chimeric NAT molecules, and extensive transport
kinetic analyses, we show that dynamic synergy between three distinct domains,
transmembrane segment (TMS)1, the TMS8-9 loop, and TMS12, defines the function
and specificity of UapA. The TMS8-9 loop includes four residues absolutely
essential for substrate binding and transport (Glu356, Asp388, Gln408, and
Asn409), whereas TMS1 and TMS12 seem to control, through steric hindrance or
electrostatic repulsion, the differential access of purines to the TMS8-9 domain.
Thus, UapA specificity is determined directly by the specific interactions of a
given substrate with the TMS8-9 loop and indirectly by interactions of this loop
with TMS1 and TMS12. We finally show that intramolecular synergy among UapA
domains is highly specific and propose that it forms the basis for the evolution
of the unique specificity of UapA for uric acid, a property not present in other
NAT members.
"The nucleobase-ascorbate transporter (NAT) family: genomics, evolution,
structure-function relationships and physiological role."
C. Gournas, I. Papageorgiou and G. Diallinas.
Molecular Biosystems,
vol. 4, pages 404-416, (2008).
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Abstract: This review summarizes knowledge concerning a ubiquitous plasma transmembrane
protein family that mediates nucleobase or ascorbate secondary active transport
(NAT). We show that prototype bacterial and mostly fungal members have become
unique model systems to unravel structure-function relationships and regulation
of expression, using classical and reverse genetics, as well as biochemical
approaches. We discuss the importance of NAT-mediated ascorbate transport in
mammals and how changes in substrate specificity, from different nucleobases to
ascorbate, might have evolved at the molecular level. Finally, we also discuss
how modelling NAT-purine interactions might constitute a step towards the use of
NAT proteins as specific gateways for targeting pathogenic microbes.
"The Aspergillus nidulans FcyB cytosine-purine scavenger is highly expressed during germination and in reproductive compartments and is downregulated by endocytosis."
A. Vlanti and G. Diallinas.
Molecular Microbiology,
vol. 68, pages 959-977, (2008).
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Abstract: We cloned and characterized an Aspergillus nidulans gene, called fcyB, encoding
the closest homologue to the yeast Fcy2p/Fcy21p permeases. Deletion of fcyB
(DeltafcyB) does not affect growth, development, reproduction or bulk purine
uptake, but eliminates the leaky growth on purines of ΔazgA ΔuapC ΔuapA
strains, lacking all known purine transporters, and confers resistance to the
antifungal 5-fluorocytosine. Kinetic analyses showed FcyB is a low-capacity,
high-affinity, cytosine-purine transporter sharing similar molecular interactions
for substrate recognition with the yeast Fcy2p/Fcy21p carriers. fcyB
transcription is highly activated during germination but drops at low
constitutive levels throughout vegetative development. UaY-mediated purine
induction of fcyB transcription is only moderate, while ammonium represses
transcription through an AreA-dependent mechanism. A strain expressing FcyB-GFP
confirms a low protein expression level in the plasma membrane of vegetative
mycelia, but reveals an abundant expression in sexual and asexual compartments.
FcyB-GFP was also shown to be downregulated by endocytosis in response to ammonia
or the presence of cytosine. The expression profile of FcyB supports that its
main physiological role is cytosine-purine scavenging.
"Kinetic and mutational analysis of the Trypanosoma brucei NBT1 nucleobase
transporter expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveals structural similarities
between ENT and MFS transporters."
I. Papageorgiou, H.P. De Koning, K. Soteriadou and G. Diallinas.
International Journal of Parasitology,
vol. 38, pages 641-653, (2008).
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Abstract: Parasitic protozoa are unable to synthesise purines de novo and thus depend on
the uptake of nucleosides and nucleobases across their plasma membrane through
specific transporters. A number of nucleoside and nucleobase transporters from
Trypanosoma brucei brucei and Leishmania major have recently been characterised
and shown to belong to the equilibrative nucleoside transporter (ENT) family. A
number of studies have demonstrated the functional importance of particular
transmembrane segments (TMS) in nucleoside-specific ENT proteins. TbNBT1, one of
only three bona fide nucleobase-selective members of the ENT family, has
previously been shown to be a high-affinity transporter for purine nucleobases
and guanosine. In this study, we use the Saccharomyces cerevisiae expression
system to build a biochemical model of how TbNBT1 recognises nucleobases. We next
performed random in vitro and site-directed mutagenesis to identify residues
critical for TbNBT1 function. The identification of residues likely to contribute
to permeant binding, when combined with a structural model of TbNBT1 obtained by
homology threading, yield a tentative three-dimensional model of the transporter
binding site that is consistent with the binding model emerging from the
biochemical data. The model strongly suggests the involvement of TMS5, TMS7 and
TMS8 in TbNBT1 function. This situation is very similar to that concerning
transporters of the major facilitator superfamily (MFS), one of which was used as
a template for the threading. This point raises the possibility that ENT and MFS
carriers, despite being considered evolutionarily distinct, might in fact share
similar topologies and substrate translocations pathways.
"Characterization and kinetics of the major purine transporters in Aspergillus
S. Goudela, U. Reichard, S. Amillis and G. Diallinas.
Fungal Genetics and Biology,
vol. 45, pages 459-472, (2008).
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Abstract: Three genes encoding putative purine transporters have been identified in silico
in the genome of Aspergillus fumigatus by their very close similarity of their
translation products to well-studied homologues in A. nidulans. Two of these
transporters, called AfUapC and AfAzgA, were found responsible for bulk uptake of
purines and studied in detail herein. Genetic knock-out analysis, regulation of
transcription, direct purine uptake assays and heterologous expression in A.
nidulans have unequivocally shown that AfUapC and AfAzgA are high-affinity,
high-capacity, purine/H(+) symporters, the first being specific for xanthine,
uric acid and oxypurinol, whereas the second for adenine, hypoxanthine, guanine
and purine. The expression of these transporters is primarily controlled at the
level of transcription. Transcription of both genes is purine-inducible, albeit
with different efficiencies, whereas AfuapC is also ammonium-repressible. We
characterised in detail the kinetics of the AfUapC and AfAzgA transporters, both
in A. fumigatus and in A. nidulans, using a plethora of possible purine
substrates. This analysis led us to propose kinetic models describing the
molecular interactions of AfUapC and AfAzgA with purines. These models are
discussed comparatively with analogous models from other purine transporters from
fungi, bacteria and humans, and within the frame of a systematic development of
novel purine-related antifungals.
"Fungal nucleobase transporters."
A. Pantazopoulou and G. Diallinas.
FEMS Microbiol Reviews,
vol. 31, pages 657-671, (2007).
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Abstract: Early genetic and physiological work in bacteria and fungi has suggested the
presence of highly specific nucleobase transport systems. Similar transport
systems are now known to exist in algae, plants, protozoa and metazoa. Within the
last 15 years, a small number of microbial genes encoding nucleobase transporters
have been cloned and studied in great detail. The sequences of several other
putative proteins submitted to databases are homologous to the microbial
nucleobase transporters but their physiological functions remain largely
undetermined. In this review, genetic, biochemical and molecular data are
described concerning mostly the nucleobase transporters of Aspergillus nidulans
and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the two model ascomycetes from which the great
majority of data come from. It is also discussed as to what is known on the
nucleobase transporters of the two most significant pathogenic fungi: Candida
albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus. Apart from highlighting how a basic process
such as nucleobase recognition and transport operates, this review intends to
highlight features that might be applicable to antifungal pharmacology.
"The conserved sequence NXX[S/T]HX[S/T]QDXXXT of the lactate/pyruvate:H(+)
symporter subfamily defines the function of the substrate translocation pathway."
I. Soares-Silva, S. Paiva, G. Diallinas and M. Casal.
Molecular Membrane Biology,
vol. 24, pages 464-474, (2007).
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Abstract: In Saccharomyces cerevisiae Jen1p is a lactate/proton symporter belonging to the
lactate/pyruvate:H(+) symporter subfamily (TC#2.A.1.12.2) of the Major
Facilitator Superfamily. We investigated structure-function relationships of
Jen1p using a rational mutational analysis based on the identification of
conserved amino acid residues. In particular, we studied the conserved sequence
(379)NXX[S/T]HX[S/T]QDXXXT(391). Substitution of amino acid residues N379, H383
or D387, even with very similar amino acids, resulted in a dramatic reduction of
lactate and pyruvate uptake, but conserved measurable acetate transport. Acetate
transport inhibition assays showed that these mutants conserve the ability to
bind, but do not transport, lactate and pyruvate. More interestingly, the double
mutation H383D/D387H, while behaving as a total loss-of-function allele for
lactate and pyruvate uptake, can fully restore the kinetic parameters of Jen1p
for acetate transport. Thus, residues N379, H383 or D387 affect both the
transport capacity and the specificity of Jen1p. Substitutions of Q386 and T391
resulted in no or moderate changes in Jen1p transport capacities for lactate,
pyruvate and acetate. On the other hand, Q386N reduces the binding affinities for
all Jen1p substrates, while Q386A increases the affinity specifically for
pyruvate. We also tested Jen1p specificity for a range of monocarboxylates.
Several of the mutants studied showed altered inhibition constants for these
acids. These results and 3D in silico modelling by homology threading suggest
that the conserved motif analyzed is part of the substrate translocation pathway
in the lactate/pyruvate:H(+) symporter subfamily.
"Regulation of expression and kinetic modeling of substrate interactions of a
uracil transporter in Aspergillus nidulans."
S. Amillis, Z. Hamari, K. Roumelioti, C. Scazzocchio and G. Diallinas.
Molecular Membrane Biology,
vol. 24, pages 206-214, (2007).
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Abstract: Early genetic evidence suggested that A. nidulans possesses at least one uracil
transporter. A gene, named furD, was recently identified by reverse genetics and
in silico approaches and we confirm here that it encodes a high-affinity,
high-capacity, uracil transporter. In this work, we study the regulation of
expression of FurD and develop a kinetic model describing transporter-substrate
interactions. The furD gene is not expressed in resting conidiospores, is
transcriptionally activated and reaches a peak during the isotropic growth phase
of conidiospore germination, and stays at a basic low level in mycelium.
Transcriptional expression is correlated to uracil transport activity. Expression
in a strain blocked in uracil biosynthesis (pyrG-) is moderately increased and
extended to later stages of germination. The presence of excess uracil in the
medium leads to down-regulation of furD expression and FurD activity. A detailed
kinetic analysis using a number of pyrimidine and purine analogues showed that
FurD is able to recognize with high-affinity uracil (Km 0.45 microM), thymine (Ki
3.3 microM) and several 5-substituted analogues of uracil, and with moderate
affinity uric acid and xanthine (Ki 94-99 microM). Kinetic evidence supports a
model in which the positions N1-H, =O2, N3-H, =O4, as well as planarity play a
central role for the substrate binding. This model, which rationalizes the unique
specificity of FurD for uracil, is compared to and found to be very similar to
analogous models for protozoan uracil transporters.
"Differential physiological and developmental expression of the UapA and AzgA
purine transporters in Aspergillus nidulans."
A. Pantazopoulou, N.D. Lemuh , D.G. Hatzinikolaou, C. Drevet, G. Cecchetto, C. Scazzocchio and G. Diallinas.
Fungal Genetics and Biology,
vol. 44, pages 627-640, (2007).
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Abstract: In this article we study the cellular expression of UapA and AzgA, the two major
purine transporters of Aspergillus nidulans, by constructing strains expressing,
from their native promoters, fully functional fluorescent (UapA-sGFP, AzgA-sGFP)
or immunological (UapA-His) chimeric transporters. Epifluorescence microscopy and
immunodetection showed that under different physiological conditions and during
Aspergillus development: (i) UapA and AzgA expression in the plasma membrane
becomes evident early during germination and remains at a significant basal level
in mycelium, (ii) Neither of the two transporters is expressed in the stalk, the
vesicle, the phialides and the conidiospores, but surprisingly, UapA is
specifically and strongly expressed in the periphery of metulae, (iii) Both
transporters are expressed in ascogenous hyphae and in hülle cells but not in
cleistothecia or ascospores, (iv) Purine induction leads to approximately 4-fold
increase in UapA and AzgA protein content in mycelium, compatible with an
analogous increase at the transcriptional level, (v) Ammonium leads to removal of
UapA, but not of AzgA, from the plasma membrane by sorting of the protein to the
"The first transmembrane segment (TMS1) of UapA contains determinants necessary
for expression in the plasma membrane and purine transport."
A. Pantazopoulou and G. Diallinas.
Molecular Membrane Biology,
vol. 23, pages 337-348, (2006).
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Abstract: UapA, a member of the NAT/NCS2 family, is a high affinity, high capacity, uric
acid-xanthine/H+ symporter in Aspergillus nidulans. Determinants critical for
substrate binding and transport lie in a highly conserved signature motif
downstream from TMS8 and within TMS12. Here we examine the role of TMS1 in UapA
biogenesis and function. First, using a mutational analysis, we studied the role
of a short motif (Q85H86), conserved in all NATs. Q85 mutants were cryosensitive,
decreasing (Q85L, Q85N, Q85E) or abolishing (Q85T) the capacity for purine
transport, without affecting physiological substrate binding or expression in the
plasma membrane. All H86 mutants showed nearly normal substrate binding
affinities but most (H86A, H86K, H86D) were cryosensitive, a phenotype associated
with partial ER retention and/or targeting of UapA in small vacuoles. Only mutant
H86N showed nearly wild-type function, suggesting that His or Asn residues might
act as H donors in interactions affecting UapA topology. Thus, residues Q85 and
H86 seem to affect the flexibility of UapA, in a way that affects either
transport catalysis per se (Q85), or expression in the plasma membrane (H86). We
then examined the role of a transmembrane Leu Repeat (LR) motif present in TMS1
of UapA, but not in other NATs. Mutations replacing Leu with Ala residues altered
differentially the binding affinities of xanthine and uric acid, in a
temperature-sensitive manner. This result strongly suggested that the presence of
L77, L84 and L91 affects the flexibility of UapA substrate binding site, in a way
that is necessary for high affinity uric acid transport. A possible role of the
LR motif in intramolecular interactions or in UapA dimerization is discussed.
"Comparative kinetic analysis of AzgA and Fcy21p, prototypes of the two major
fungal hypoxanthine-adenine-guanine transporter families."
S. Goudela, H. Tsilivi and G. Diallinas.
Molecular Membrane Biology,
vol. 23, pages 291-303, (2006).
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Abstract: In fungi, uptake of salvageable purines is carried out by members of two
evolutionarily distinct protein families, the Purine-Related Transporters
(PRT/NCS1) and the AzgA-like Transporters. We carried out a comparative kinetic
analysis of two prototypes of these transporter families. The first was Fcy21p, a
herein characterized protein of Candida albicans, and the second was AzgA, a
transporter of Aspergillus nidulans. Our results showed that: (i) AzgA and Fcy21p
are equally efficient high-affinity, high-capacity, purine transporters, (ii)
Fcy21p, but not AzgA, is an efficient cytosine and 5-fluorocytosine transporter,
interacting with =O2 and C4-NH2 of the pyrimidine ring, (iii) the major
interactions of AzgA and Fcy21p with the purine ring are similar, but not
identical, involving in all cases positions 6 and 7, and for some substrates,
positions 1 and 9 as well, and (iv) in AzgA, bulky groups at position N3 have a
detrimental steric effect on substrate binding, while similar substitutions at C2
or N9 are fully or partially tolerated. In contrast, in Fcy21p, C2 and N9 bulky
substitutions abolish substrate binding, while similar substitutions in N3 are
fully tolerated. These results suggest that all fungal purine transporters might
have evolved from a single ancestral protein, and show that fungal transporters
use different substrate interactions compared to the analogous protozoan or
mammalian proteins. Finally, results are also discussed in respect of the
possibility of using fungal purine transporters as specific gateways for the
development of targeted antifungal pharmacological therapies.
"A novel-type substrate-selectivity filter and ER-exit determinants in the UapA
purine transporter."
A. Vlanti, S. Amillis, M. Koukaki and G. Diallinas.
Journal of Molecular Biology,
vol. 357, pages 808-819, (2006).
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Abstract: We present a functional analysis of the last alpha-helical transmembrane segment
(TMS12) of UapA, a uric acid-xanthine/H+ symporter in Aspergillus nidulans and
member of the nucleobase-ascorbate transporter (NAT) family. First, we performed
a systematic mutational analysis of residue F528, located in the middle of TMS12,
which was known to be critical for UapA specificity. Substitution of F528 with
non-aromatic amino acid residues (Ala, Thr, Ser, Gln, Asn) did not affect
significantly the kinetics of UapA for its physiological substrates, but allowed
high-capacity transport of several novel purines and pyrimidines. Allele-specific
combinations of F528 substitutions with mutations in Q408, a residue involved in
purine binding, led to an array of UapA molecules with different kinetic and
specificity profiles. We propose that F528 plays the role of a novel-type
selectivity filter, which, in conjunction with a distinct purine-binding site,
control UapA-mediated substrate translocation. We further studied the role of
TMS12 by analysing the effect of its precise deletion and chimeric molecules in
which TMS12 was substituted with analogous domains from other NATs. The presence
of any of the TMS12 tested was necessary for ER-exit while their specific amino
acid composition affected the kinetics of chimeras.